If you are like us in the summer, you will get bitten by hundreds of bugs and mosquitoes and this is why we use MOSKINTO which is the new sticky intelligent patch to stop the itch.
MOSKINTO has been designed to be able to be put onto the skin directly and then you can forget about it for up to seven days whilst your skin recovers. The patch gives a direct rapid relief from itching as quick as 10 to 20 minutes. The patches are medicine and chemical free which makes it perfect for use on children as well as adults and their pack is small enough to fit in anybody’s pocket or in a bag.
We have been taking these with us to our local football games and when we fancy sitting in the pub garden of an evening as we can guarantee one of us will end up getting bitten at some point. The MOSKINTO plaster is nude colour and discreet in its crosshatch style of plaster. It doesn’t look out of place or obvious what it is, it just looks like any other plaster you might use.
The company have designed it so if you are allergic to normal plasters or latex that MOSKINTO should be suitable for you but of course it is advised to be careful if you have previous allergies.
Each box contains 24 plasters and is perfect to take anywhere!
There is a family pack which is priced at £10.99 which is 24 plasters and they come in blue, red and nude in a very cute tin or you have the original 24 plaster pack is just nude colours and is priced at £6.49.