When the people from Rockit asking us if we wanted to review the new Zed Sleep Soother I knew it would be perfect for when our little girl Lucie was here. Being a NICU baby she is used to noise and lights pretty much all the time so the vibrations and light we hoped would ease her transition when she came home.
Dandydill Way Product Review [ad]
The people at Dandydill Way have sent us a selection of their natural and luxurious toiletries for Ezra and for us to review.
The Compulsion Cloud Review [ad]
We have been sent a copy of Compulsion Cloud to review and read. I knew this book contained some big subjects and I wondered how they would manage it considering the age range of the book so I was interested to read it when it arrived.
Shelf Care Book Club & My Mood Stars Review [AD]
We are working with Shelf Care Book Club & My Mood Stars to bring awareness to why it is important for kids to read and how it can benefit their mental health in a positive way. The Mood Stars help kids understand their thoughts and feelings and we will talk about that more later on in the post.
RockIt Review [AD]
In my 11 years of parenting I have seen lots of products come and go but The Rockit is a product that I can see sticking around for a long time. I firmly believe it is here to stay and wish it had been around more widely when Ethan was little. It’s such a simple idea but it really is very effective and the Rockit is definitely a huge game-changer in our napping world.
If you are like us in the summer, you will get bitten by hundreds of bugs and mosquitoes and this is why we use MOSKINTO which is the new sticky intelligent patch to stop the itch.