We have been sent a copy of Compulsion Cloud to review and read. I knew this book contained some big subjects and I wondered how they would manage it considering the age range of the book so I was interested to read it when it arrived.
Shelf Care Book Club & My Mood Stars Review [AD]
We are working with Shelf Care Book Club & My Mood Stars to bring awareness to why it is important for kids to read and how it can benefit their mental health in a positive way. The Mood Stars help kids understand their thoughts and feelings and we will talk about that more later on in the post.
The Lost Wish and Elfland UK Review [AD]
During our visit to BlogOn, we were introduced to Elfland UK and their book, The Lost Wish by Clare Anderson and Emily Jacobs. We were gifted 5 eye masks for the kids at the time and then a few days later the book dropped on our doorstep.
Sensory Oojamabobs [AD]
Twenty Minute Candles by Cotton & Grey [AD]
I have been gifted this beautiful set of Twenty Minute Candles by Cotton and Grey to share as part of my Mother’s Day Gift Suggestions.
Curiosity Journals [AD]
Curiosity Journals have GIFTED me one of their new on the market Journals which is created in order to help us break down the big questions they are always worrying about. This could be related to their career, relationships, feelings etc and it supports them in their next steps to answering their questions. It was only launched a few months ago and it has been received really well by the market.