Father’s Day Gift Guide 2023
Each year I write a Father’s Day Gift Guide with some different suggestions for gifts and I try to mix up what I suggest as well as the price range.
IQ Games [AD]
Smart Toys & Games is award-winning company, that creates educational and inspiring games for kids for all ages. I met with Smart Toys & Games previously at last years Toy Fair and their aim is to provide games that children and adults will play and learn.
Q&A With Renata From ‘Buffalo Sauce Everywhere’
Today I interviewed Renata about the work she does on her blog, & I wanted to find out a little bit about her and how she got into the blogging world and what her plans are.
Q&A With Amber From ‘The Winter Of My Discontent’
Today I interviewed Amber about her blog, & I wanted to find out a little bit about herself and how she got into the blogging and what her plans are.
Q&A With Foster From ‘Skylar Motion’
Today I interviewed Foster about his blog, & I wanted to find out a little bit about himself and how he got into the blogging and what his plans are.