Today I interviewed Brianna about her blog, & I wanted to find out a little bit about herself and how she got into the blogging and what her plans are.
Her Social Media Links Are:
My name is Brianna, and I live in Canada. I have an Etsy shop, run a website, and do content creation for my clients.
Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?
My blog includes all things I like which includes, blogging, travel, books and lifestyle.
Describe how did you first get into blogging?
I first started my blog because I wanted a way to make money from home and to be my own boss. Growing up my mom had the ability to be around for me and my brother to was available anytime we needed her. I want to be able to do that for my future kids while also being able to enjoy what I do.
Can you tell me some of your strengths that really helped you in blogging?
My strength is that I write about topics that I enjoy. This helps me to put out content quickly and easily because it doesn’t feel like work that way.
How would you describe your blogging style?
My blogging style is very personal. I have important information and research included as well as my personal input.
What do you think is the best service a blogger can provide to Their readers?
The best service a blogger can provide their readers to give them information. This can be about a book they’re thinking of reading, what to do in a certain city, how to stay organized, etc.
How do you manage time to run your blog efficiently?
The best way to manage time is to have a weekly to do list. I use a whiteboard and use different color markers for each category. I then assign tasks to each day to keep myself on schedule with what needs to be done.
How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?
In the next year I would like to be more financially stable through my blog, LTK, and Etsy Shop.
What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from that?
My greatest failure was not learning SEO sooner. SEO is the most important thing you can learn for your blog and I gave up on it too quickly when trying to learn. Once I understood and implemented SEO practices my website started to soar. I shouldn’t have given up on SEO so quickly because I could have benefited a lot sooner from it.
Tell me about your proudest blogging achievement?
My proudest blogging achievement is sticking with it through all these years. It can definitely be difficult but I’m so glad that I’ve stuck with it.
Who has impacted you most in blogging and how?
There are actually multiple people who’ve impacted me. They would be all the lovely bloggers on Twitter. Twitter has such a great community of online bloggers and I’ve gotten so much motivation from them.
What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging?
My greatest achievement outside of blogging would be starting my Etsy shop ByBriannaMarie. This was a big risk but I’m very happy that I went for it to sell my Instagram ebook, blogging ebook, Instagram templates, wedding templates, etc.
What do you do in your spare time?
In my spare time I love to read and travel. I’m hoping to go to Spain in the fall for my honeymoon.
Side Note From DittrichDiary: If you visit the uK i would love to meet 🙂
Where would you like to be in the blogging world five years from now?
I would like to keep doing what I’m doing and have this easily be my full time job.
What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?
The most challenging moment was at the start when I didn’t know what I was doing and had to learn everything as I went.
Can you name some of your favourite bloggers and explain why they are your favourites?
My favorite bloggers are Zoe Sugg, and Olivia Rink. They are very sweet people and I read their blogs before I started my own.
Side Note From DittrichDiary: We LOVE Zoe Sugg & Family here too!
Anything else you would like the readers to know?
I offer content creation services for clients and have room for a few more. This content creation includes Pinterest Pin creation and LTK collage creation.