How To Make Hangover Kits To Use As Wedding Favours

If you don’t know already then a hangover kit is a favor bag for guests filled with the tools necessary to transition from a raucous night of drinking and indulgent foods to a pain-free morning after.

What is a Hangover Kit?

I stumbled across hangover kits on Pintrest and I loved them but I was NOT paying the price they charge online so I thought I would make my own and this is how including the links. If you don’t know already then a hangover kit is a favor bag for guests filled with the tools necessary to transition from a raucous night of drinking and indulgent foods to a pain-free morning after.

I wanted mine to fit in with the style of the wedding so I ordered these cotton drawstring bags from Wish as they were too expensive elsewhere or sold singularly. I got 80 of them but I only require around 60 for our wedding party (if you would like the extras then please drop me an email).

hangover bags

Everyone is different with what they put in theirs but I have decided to keep it basic and I have included:

I have a reason for each item and I will explain them in a minute. I have included my links for the items that I got from eBay and for the plasters and paracetamol I got them from B&M cheaply and Starburst are from my local Sainsburys in a family size bag. I tried to get everything as cheap as possible hence why there isn’t an awful lot in the bags but also the bags are the perfect size for these items. Our wedding is a Thursday so don’t think too many will require these but I thought they were a super cute favour and something different.

I decided to make my own labels with Canva and I have then printed them and used my laminator so they don’t get damaged as they will be near the drinks and food. I have also done a similar styled name label for them so I made sure I had one for each guest. The design on Canva has cost me nothing and I had purchased my laminator for something else so the accessories for these kit cost me nothing. I have the design in a PDF if anyone would like it or I can share it across Canva just drop me an email.

hangover labels
inside labels

Whilst picking what would go in my kit, I knew I wanted it to be useful and funny at the same time so this is why I included: A Few Plasters, A Starburst and an Eraser as I thought just coffee and painkillers might be slightly boring and I couldn’t fit or afford to put a red bull in every kit. I chose to do it in a vintage styled blue as Navy is our colour theme and I just loved how it looked. Mum commented saying the cross should be red but it just didn’t fit my theme but each to their own and obviously these are easily adaptable for however you want it.

When searching for hangover kit ideas I found this suggestion on Pinterest but the bags aren’t as big that I got and to be honest it would of ended up super expensive for 60 bags. Other suggestions were:

  • Chocolate
  • Local taxi company business cards
  • Lollies
  • Chapstick/lip balm
  • Mouthwash
  • Polo’s
  • Pepto-Bismal
  • Sunglasses
  • Tissues
  • Make-Up Remover
  • Small Water Bottles
pintrest image of hangover kit items

I love them and hope my Adult guests do too as I am really chuffed with them.

As A thank you for reading I’m giving you £4 off your first purchase at WISH with code: rkvtbbk (affilate code)

Link is for the Hangover Bags I ordered –

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