Before we headed off to Butlins the kids were GIFTED the game Flipslide to get them to test the travel opportunities and how easy it is to use. If you used to love Simon Says or Bop It then this game is right up your street.
Flipslide is the addictive, fast-moving electronic puzzle game of skill! You need to master the moves to beat the blocks, and flip the sides to find the right colours to match the lights. It isn’t just a solo game either you can challenge your friends or play the speed mode, memory mode or levels. It is addictive and I struggled to put it down as I wanted to get better and quicker each time.
It is perfect for travelling, days out, a handbag distraction during queues as it is compact and lightweight. It won’t weigh down your bag any more than a tablet or a handheld games console and it is great for when you are in a group.
Flipslide kept the kids entertained during the long drive this summer holidays, and during the queues when buying back to school gear. We have had loads of questions on what the kids are playing and they love to tell people it is called ‘Flipslide’.
It’s a fidget toy for fast minds and fast moves and it works brilliantly as a sensory toy for hands-on fun, providing a tactile experience for children. It can help develop communication, fine motor skills and creative play and children don’t even realise as they are playing! Win Win!
If your family are competitive like mine then this will cause hours of laughter, arguments and frustration as everyone competes to be the best and get the furthest on levels – be careful though hold the middle button too long and all the data will be erased. (Don’t let any cheaters know this)