Shmoji Shoe Accessories [AD]

Shmojis are an awesome way to show your favourite emojis / your emotions on your favourite pair of kicks (to be honest any shoes with laces!) Each blind bag contains four unique characters inside, which can be threaded on to the shoelaces. Back when I was a kid there was similar things for your bike spokes and pencil toppers but nothing like this for laces so I think these are cool and so do the kids.

Shmoji are an awesome way to show your favourite emojis / your emotions on your favourite pair of kicks (to be honest any shoes with laces!) Each blind bag contains four unique characters inside, which can be threaded on to the shoelaces. Back when I was a kid there was similar things for your bike spokes and pencil toppers but nothing like this for laces so I think these are cool and so do the kids.

Ethan and Ava love blind packs of anything, so they couldn’t wait to rip into these. The packs include everything from the world of emojis, including faces, animals, food and accessories.


On the back of each Shmoji there is a little loop that you slide your shoelace through and then you move it to where you want. It really is as simple as that. My only pet peeve is that you have to keep unlacing and relacing your shoes every time you want to swap Shmojis, which is annoying as I am useless at doing the laces and keep having to ask Nick (the better adult). They would be 100% perfect if they clipped on and off but I am guessing that would make them more expensive.

Ava loved the animals and Ethan loved the food themed ones, and amazingly we haven’t had too many doubles yet either so that is great but when we do it just means there are less arguments between the two of them.

There are 100 characters in the current series and the idea is for you to be able to collect and swap them with friends when you have doubles (think playing cards / pogs / pokemon cards).

They’re great as a pocket money gift or a stocking stuffer as they are affordable at £3.49 and cheaper than a lot of other popular items on the market. They are currently available in Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, One Stop, McColls, Spar and many independent high street retailers

You can get them on Amazon here**

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