Really Good Conversations Card Game [AD]

I met the lovely couple behind Really Good Conversations during my time at Top Drawer and their stand got my attention straight away as I love card games. I have really found my love for card games in the last year especially ones that get us talking. Bonus points if it is a game that Nick and I can play just the two of us or with others if we want too.

I met the lovely couple behind Really Good Conversations during my time at Top Drawer and their stand got my attention straight away as I love card games. I have really found my love for card games in the last year especially ones that get us talking. Bonus points if it is a game that Nick and I can play just the two of us or with others if we want too.

Really Good Conversations brings both of those requirements into one and we love it.

Really Good Conversations

During the last 3 years, our social interactions have definitely been affected and now we are back to ‘the normal’ I have noticed how I struggle to think about what to say when with other people. This product allows you to have a box full of conversation starters that can be used within your couple or with a group of friends. It is in a box that is a similar size to a pack of playing cards so it is perfect for popping in your handbag/car/changing bag and bringing with you to play in multiple settings.

When Alex and I were speaking he said “The key to starting a really good conversation is knowing the right question to ask.” and this is exactly what the product brings to the table and that phrase has definitely stuck with me whilst I have been playing this game with my husband and friends.

Really Good Conversations is packed full of thought provoking conversation starters and it isn’t just the “what would you eat every day for the rest of your life?” type of questions. This game creates a huge chance for everyone to share and listen to each other like never before and I love that.

I think many people would agree with me but often when we talk to people we listen but we don’t necessarily take it in and remember what they have said. This game allows you to really tune in to what is happening, what is being said and the idea is that you remember and digest what is being said.

This would be perfect for first dates, or when you meet your other halves friends for the first time and you want to ask all the questions but you don’t want to be too full on.

It is light enough to carry and take with you so could be used on lots of different journeys i.e trains, planes, automobiles, or during picnics, but the opportunities are endless.

Each pack contains the standard 53 cards that you would find in a playing card deck but each of these special cards contain the unique question cards (as well as the instruction card.).

I really love this game, and the couple behind it are so genuinely in love with their product and you can tell they really enjoyed creating it as well as marketing it to the sellers at Top Drawer. As a bonus it has been designed and manufactured completely in the UK so that is a big selling point for me.

It would make a great Valentine’s day gift as part of a hamper or Date Night Gift Idea and you can get it now on their website.

DISCLAIMER: This item has been gifted to us but our opinions do not reflect on the products company, or the thoughts of any social media companies we have shared this review on.

We give our 100% honest opinions on the products we test and we have declared it is an AD and gifted as required by the ASA guidelines

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